Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 15 P90X

My back hurts. My whole body hurts. For two weeks I have been doing this and I have to say I do like the results. The workouts are fun and inspiring. This really is a great work out.  But damn it hurts. This is the last week of phase 1 then on to the recovery then phase 2. Any program that has a recovery phase in it has to be extreme. Ouch. Kinda scared about what comes next but still happy I started this. I can defiantly see me doing these DVDs for some time.  I just can't wait to get stronger. My diet has been going well. I haven't lost any more weight but am sticking strong at 148. Muscle...Muscle...this is what I am looking for now.  I want to tone up. I started at Gold's Gym today for a 7 day free trial. I want to see about the pool and the lap swim facilities. They even have a hot tub. I am not sure I want to be a member but I will give it the 7 days. Let's hope it is feasible to get there from work in time. Yay!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

BMI 24.8!!!

I weighted myself today and was 148 pounds. So I wanted to check my BMI because it has been a while and wanted to check my progress. Well I am now in the NORMAL category. Not OVERWEIGHT anymore!!  I started out at 37.4 and in the OBESE category in 2009. Wow this was an eye opening experience. I still have about 20 pounds to go but this is such an accomplishment for me. I never felt like I was actually obese at 225 but I knew I was overweight.  But I look back at the pictures of me at that time of my heaviest weight and I was so unhappy and unhealthy. So do I celebrate with a chocolate cake??? Nope. I am going to the gym today and having turkey fajitas tonight. Celebration for me is not eating anymore but acknowledging the accomplishment. Oh and I can finally admit to me weight on my drivers license as correct. YAY!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Week 2

Week 2 starts today and I am feeling great and have a good positive attitude.  I am looking forward to going to the gym today.  I get to leave work early to work out and then after dinner tonight I am working on shoulders and arms today along with the ab workout. I have to take these workouts one day at a time and not worry about the whole week.  Sometimes I discourage myself by thinking that I won't be able to do it all week.  But in doing that it just makes me anxious for each day.  So I am only thinking about today. The future will work itself out I just need to concentrate on right now. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Week one DONE!!

Yay!!! I finished my first complete week of P90X. Ouch is my need adjective for how I feel. But it sure does feel good. I tried my best and am ready for this next week. I did my stairmaster routine 4 days this week, I took Friday off. But this coming week I should do the stairs 5 days. The P90X schedule is the same as last week.  I know what to expect now so I need to push myself more.  The dvd's are really fun but difficult.  I am adding in an extra 15 min ab workout three days a week because I need a little extra help.  I am feeling a lot better this week so hopefully all goes well this coming week. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 4 P90X

Ouch, Ouch, Ouch. Yup that is all I have to say for my past workouts with P90X. Dear God I don't know what I was thinking to start this program but ouch is defiantly what I am thinking now.  But I love it.  Yesterday I did the Kenpo X tape and wow! It is kickboxing! I have never done anything like that so I was a little behind the curve in getting started but I just kept on going.  It was a fabulous workout and I stuck with it for the entire hour. Awesome!! I felt great and slept like a baby. This is my third week at starting over with P90X so I never did this tape before. I usually quit due to snow, kids, ..... whatever. But this week was different. I made it to day 4. I started out my workout at the gym by using the StairMaster. But I only did 15 min because I got a cramp in my foot...again. So I had to end my workout because it hurt too damn much. I have to get vitamin supplements but haven't yet. I went home had dinner then started the Kenpo X. I didn't know what to expect but I was excited.  So we start out doing punches( I have never thrown a punch so this was new to me). Then we Incorporated kicks and feet movement.  The feet is where I ran into trouble.  Coordinating both my upper body and lower body was difficult but still a lot of fun.  I think that is what I like most..the fun.  I like these tapes because they are new and fun.  I just hope I can keep it up for 86 more days.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I have started over with P90X and am doing really well this time around.  I still need the Cardio workout to help my moods but I really like the P90X work outs.  I really feel like I have accomplished something when I do them.  I also have added another abdominal workout.  I think if I keep them short it is easier for me to do.  One is 16 min and the other is 15.  And I am doing one in the morning and one at night.  I was keeping track of my workouts on my ipod but I lost it this past weekend so I haven't found an alternative yet.  I also like the extra mini trampoline work out I started this week. Only 20 min 3x a week.  So the P90x workouts are at least an hour and the others are short.  But the main thing is that I am having lots of fun doing them.  I can't wait for the summer when I can start running outside.  I hate to run on the treadmill or run indoors. I feel like a hamster on a wheel. But running outside feels exhilarating. I also want to start swimming but I have to wait on that. 

My Weightloss