Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Here I am in the month of June am down to 133 pounds. I have not been doing too well with my running. I have had to stop completely due to not having proper footwear. Yeah that really sucks because I have gone through two pairs of really good running shoes but they have not been the right ones for me.  I am going to have to get my shoes custom made to fit my feet. When I run now my hips have been really hurting me.  I have a pronation in my feet and need stability shoes for running. This sucks because the two pairs I have purchased have been stability shoes but have not been the correct type. So I have tried running after each purchase and not cannot run for a while. Walking is painful so running is out of the question. I tried the elliptical yesterday and had some pain but not too much. This has been putting a damper on my workouts. But thankfully not on my mood too much. I have been feeling happier lately.  I do miss my workouts though. But not enough to push myself to get worse. So on it goes day by day. I have strick control on my diet so I know I won't gain any weight. I have been losing some this month. I started out the month at 140 pounds and have been consistently at 133-135 pounds. I still have about 12 pounds to go.

My Weightloss