Saturday, March 12, 2011


WOW!! 145 this morning and for the last two days.  I wanted to make sure the number was really right.  I have now lost a total of 80 pounds. I still have 25 more to go.  I am starting to be able to see the differences.  I can see the changes in my arms, legs and my face.  My stomach is still not where I want it but it might never be.  I had two kids by C-section so I might always have that pouch. But I can work the best I can to tighten things up.  My legs are looking really nice. But that is from all the StairMaster.  Now the running is doing fairly well.  I am running 1 1/2 miles everyday.  I am tryng to improve my time. I was running 3 miles but I think that might have been too much for me too soon.


Yesterday I got on the treadmill to run a mile and a half. I was taking it easy because I had ran 3 miles the day before.  When I got on the treadmill I started to warm up by walking. As soon as I took my first step...ouch. My hip started to hurt. Now I am not one to ignore pain or to have a high threshold for pain. It hurt, and I stopped. So now I am really scared to start running again. Am I a coward for not trying? Hell yeah. I don't want to have it hurt worse.  But I really like running right now.  So back on I get.  Just not so fast or for as long.  I am warming up before I run and taking it easy for a few days.  Running is almost as good for me as the StairMaster was.  But I knew I needed a change.  My body was getting use to the StairMaster routine.  I can't wait to be able to run outside.  YAY!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Phase 2

So today starts phase two with P90x. YAY!! I am so excited to start this again.  Last week was the recovery week and I did stretching, yoga and core exercise. Not bad but not too fun.  So this week is exciting for me. Now I am starting something new along with P90x. Running. I started to run 3 miles every other day. I have been working on the stairmaster for many months and I wanted a change.  So the treadmill it is.  It is still too cold outside for me to run out there but hopefully when the weather heats up I can get outside.  I am looking forward to spring just for that reason.  So the treadmill is my only option right now.  I have been doing pretty good with it at lunch times. I was working out in the afternoon but too many conflicts left me missing many days because of work.  So I am using my lunch time to go running.  I was able to go 4 miles on the stairmaster burning 400 calories in 35 minutes.  On the treadmill I can run at 6.5-7.0 and make 3 miles in less than 30 minutes. I just started so I have to work my way up to 4 miles...then maybe 5. I am not sure where I want my goal to be so I am just having fun.  3 miles is pleanty for me right now.  I can't believe how much I am enjoying running.  Maybe it is the sence of acomplishment or just that I am surprised I can actually make the 3 mile mark. So my saga continues.

My Weightloss